young children and digital technology

Digital technology and early childhood: how do we navigate this in a safe and responsible way?

The rise of digital technology has brought a significant change to the way young children live and learn. With the increased access to smartphones, tablets, and other digital devices, children are now being exposed to technology at a much younger age than ever before. While technology can offer many benefits, it is important for parents to understand the potential drawbacks and develop strategies for managing their children’s technology use.

Cons: digital technology and early childhood

One of the biggest concerns with young children and digital technology is the impact on their development. Research has shown that excessive screen time can negatively affect children’s attention spans, language development, and social skills. Additionally, some studies have suggested a link between screen time and disrupted sleep patterns, which can have negative consequences for children’s physical and mental health.

Another consideration for parents is the type of content that is accessible to children through digital technology. With the vast amount of information available online, it is crucial for parents to help children navigate and understand the digital world. This can involve teaching children how to distinguish between trustworthy and unreliable sources of information, as well as how to be safe online by avoiding the sharing of personal information.

Pros: digital technology and early childhood

In addition to the negative impact of screen time, it is also important for parents to consider the benefits of digital technology for young children. Technology can be an excellent tool for learning and exploration, providing children with access to a wealth of information and educational resources.

For example, educational apps and websites can help children develop important skills, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. Technology can also provide opportunities for children to connect with others and explore new interests and hobbies.

Digital technology can make learning more interactive, engaging and fun for young children. Digital games, apps, and educational videos can provide a hands-on approach to learning that helps children retain information better.

Another way that digital technology can benefit young children is by providing opportunities for creativity and self-expression. For example, children can use technology to create digital art, music, or videos, which can be a great way to build confidence and encourage self-expression.

What can parents do?

To minimize the negative impact of technology on young children, it is important for parents to set clear guidelines and boundaries for technology use. This can include limiting screen time to a certain number of hours per day, setting appropriate age limits for certain types of content, and monitoring the types of apps and websites children are accessing.

Here are some tips we found for managing children’s screen time.

Visit this site for advice and reviews to help navigate technology and media.



Like lots of things, the use of digital technology by young children can bring both benefits and drawbacks. As a parent, it is important to be mindful of the impact that technology can have on children’s development, and to take an active role in managing and guiding their technology use.

By setting clear guidelines, monitoring content, and helping children to develop a healthy relationship with technology, parents can ensure that the benefits of digital technology are maximized while minimizing any potential negative impact.

Here is some supporting information for parents.