Tips for choosing the right Kindergarten program

As a parent, choosing the right kindergarten for your child is a big decision. Kindergarten is a critical time in a child’s development, and it’s important to choose a program and centre that aligns with your child’s needs and values. 

Here are some tips for choosing a kindergarten for your child and what to look for in a kindergarten.

Visit the Kindergarten 

Before choosing a kindergarten, it’s essential to visit the facility and observe the program in action. During your visit, you should take note of the classroom environment, teacher-child interactions, and the types of activities available. 


You should also inquire about the curriculum of the kindergarten you are considering. The curriculum should be age-appropriate, challenging, and aligned with your child’s needs.

In Queensland, the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline (QKLG) provides advice for planning, documenting and assessing children’s learning and development.


Kindergarten Educators and Teachers should be qualified, experienced, and compassionate, creating a nurturing environment for children to learn and grow.

Play-Based Learning 

Research shows that play-based learning is crucial for young children’s development, and a kindergarten program that prioritises play-based learning can be hugely beneficial for your child.

Some other things to consider include the Kindergarten’s communication and involvement with parents, and the overall learning environment and atmosphere of the centre.

Benefits of Kindergarten

Kindergarten is an educational program for children in the year before Prep (the first year of school in Queensland). While it is not compulsory, Kindergarten provides numerous benefits for young children, including:


Kindergarten provides opportunities for children to learn how to interact with others, develop social skills, and build friendships.

School Readiness 

Kindergarten provides a strong foundation for future academic success, with a focus on developing literacy, numeracy, and problem-solving skills.

Emotional Development 

Kindergarten can help children learn how to identify and manage their emotions, develop empathy, and build self-esteem.


Kindergarten can help children develop independence and self-sufficiency, which is crucial for future success.

Choosing the right kindergarten program that aligns with your child’s individual needs and learning style is important for their academic and personal growth.

At Simply Sunshine Early Education we welcome children from birth to five years of age, including our QLD Government approved Kindergarten program. Our purpose is to foster a love of learning in all children, following interests and extending knowledge through play-based education and intentional teaching.

Here is a link to a ‘Kindy Calculator’ to help determine your child’s Kindergarten year.